
What are user's pain points around food waste and how can we address them?
Project Overview
Reducing food waste is what Horst J. Rittel coined a "wicked problem"- it's a complex problem that requires solutions from a thousand different angles. After targeting and researching the composting stage of reducing food waste, my team created an app to help provide composting infrastructure- delivering resources and picking up compost- to urban environments where apartment or municipal resources had failed to take root.
Figma, Adobe Creative Suite
UX Researcher and Designer on 4-person team
  • User Interviews
  • Interactive Prototyping
  • UI Design

The Research

In our competitive analysis, we identified several companies and nonprofits which are trying to tackle food waste at different parts of the process. We conducted 5 user interviews with restaurant and apartment owners to determine the difference between commercial and residential food waste.

Key Findings

Lack of Access to Composting
We decided to focus on apartment owners in jurisdictions that didn't have civic infrastructure (single or apartment building bins) in place to help with composting.
Best Laid Plans Lead to Food Waste
Our users cited a hectic schedule leading to changing meal plans and unused food. They also highly preferred convenience to location of any composting infrastructure.

How might we improve access to composting infrastructure for apartment and other urban residents in cities without a robust program?

High-Fidelity Prototype and Component Library